We are back in business

After laying dorment, we are back to bring you more reviews, interviews and other fun stuff, from the music underground.

The fact that The Jarl has been dorment for over a year, is crazy to think about. But time moves quickly sometimes, especially when you have A LOT on you plate. And we’ve had that. But now that things are settle we are ready to push out new reviews and interviews.

So, starting next week we will be pushing at least 1 new review each week.

Want your music reviewed?

Do you want us to listen to your music, and perhaps do a review on this? Then don’t hesitate to send it to us. We prefer digital music, but sending us a hard copy almost always guarantee a review, as we do not get a lot of these. But please check out this site before doing so, to get a few pointers.

Want to make money writing for us?

We are looking for reviewers to do online reviews and writes articles for the webzine, as we are looking to expand and get The Jarl to grow and get big. And we are not expecting you to do this for free. Are you curious about this then please contact us for more information. Some information can also be found here.

Well, it feels great to be back in business, and we hope to bring you lots of great and undiscovered music. And the meantime we hope you’ll enjoy some of our old reviews, or even browse thru our catalogue of albums and bands. We’ve tried to make it as easy as possible.

That was all for now, thanks.

Latest Album

Six Hundred and Fifty

Tales of the End



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